viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Short tales of the seven vices...1

"Dew of blood"

A beautiful women was walking with a maroon dress around the empty twitlight street. she walked with fury: her plans weren´t like as she want, that overpassed her.

Her boyfriend, a young man with two years more than she, split up with her the previous afternoon.
He went away with an other lovely and cute girl, and with this reason left the women who walk around the streets now.
She knows everything.the new couple will be enjoying their recent love in the same cocktail bar with so many times he shared kiss and necking with her, who continue carried her granate dress.

She arrives at the doors of the bar with a malevolent laught and malicious eyes.
She enter,and she accert her prediction: the couple was alone tasting the intense taste of the cocktails mix with the soft neckings.

The young women looks at them.
Her blood equal the colour of her dress; it was the most uncontrolled pride who run in her veins.
She goes where the lovers are, she felt spiteful, painful...
Of her purse she take out a little knife. they look at her astonished. she dead in screams of pain and panic, and the red dews start to fall.
One to one soiled the white dress and confussed on the maroon dress of the women who direct her dead.

He rested unmoved, thinked that he will be the next, beg to escape of that horripilant vision.
It was as he thought. After the last dew fall, the knife touch the dark skin of the boy, and the carmin dews start to fall again.that man left her, and that hit her in her deepest ego, in her fever pride...for that, he must paid for his acts.
Magnificent was the definition that the pride women give to her recently finish work.
felt powerful, with arrongancy, she left the bar.
a few minutes later, the last dew of blood slide off the coup and fall on the floor.

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